FSP Number: 44269 | CIPC Number: 2009/011884/07




Sankofa Insurance Brokers is a 100% black-owned and managed organisation that is able to tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience to provide the right service to all our clients, regardless of their size or industry sector.

The fact that Sankofa Insurance Brokers is a 100% black owned and managed company means that as a Level Two contributor in terms of the number of BBBEE points that large organizations can obtain by making use of our services- is yet another advantage that we offer you our clients.

As insurance brokers, our business differs from that of insurance companies in that we are not aligned with any of them and therefore represent the interests of you our clients. We also offer our clients a very clearly defined broker offering, with a far more personalised touch than that offered by the large insurance broking houses. This is where as Sankofa Insurance Brokers, we hold the upper hand on the large insurance brokerages in that apart from offering our clients something as precious as our knowledge and experience- value for money, our flexibility in the handling of our clients insurance needs and requirements provides them with the peace of mind that comes with dealing with a small brokerage, where your business means a lot to us and is also important to us.